St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Wayne PA
104 Louella Ave, Wayne, PA 19087

Love of God...Love of Neighbor, Friend, and Stranger Alike
Service of Advent Lessons & Carols
Featuring the music of Johann Sebastian Bach, Giovanni P. da Palestrina and carols from around the globe.
Performed by the choir and soloists of St. Mary’s directed by Dr. Gordon Turk, world-renowned organist.
Advent Lessons & Carols, Sunday, December 10
4:00 p.m.
The service of Advent Lessons and Carols had its origins in a service held in the cathedral in Truro, England in 1880. It was designed to bring popular carols into a service based on the Scriptures, and as a particular diversion to the “excessive drinking in the pubs of Cornwall” during the festive season.
The Festival of Lessons & Carols later became identified with King’ College Chapel, Cambridge University, beginning in 1918, during World War I, and has continued to be a part of the Christmas celebration.
Lessons and music of Advent take us from darkness to light; from the ancient prophecies to the birth of the Savior…” a light to lighten the nations, and to be the glory of thy people Israel.”
The hymns and carols, old and new, come from many nationalities and traditions, and included in this service are carols from England, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden, West Indies, and America.
Please join us; bring family and friends. Hear the ancient prophesies and the joyful music, and be enriched in your Advent preparation, as we anticipate the the birth of our Lord.4:00 p.m.