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A Farewell Letter from the Interim Rector 
Mother Lucy Ann Dure

Dear Friends of St. Mary's,

Davis and I thank everyone who came and contributed in any way to the wonderful party at the Nolls’ last Sunday!  

Special thanks are due to Brian and Linda, Ellen Buerklin and Jean Wetzel for organizing and hosting, and to all who labored behind the scenes (there are always those who labor behind the scenes!) to make our last official event together such a bountiful feast and joyous celebration of our ministry these past four and a half years.


The beautiful framed picture of St. Mary’s with your notes and signatures on the back will always prompt happy memories.  Thank you all so much for this lovely and thoughtful gift.


When we love, it is often difficult to part.  But I have found it is easier when I remember who calls me and sends me, and why.  Our Baptismal Covenant teaches: “There is one Body and one Spirit; One hope in God’s call to us.”  In all our daily comings and goings, God’s love calls and sends us out for the sake of that very Love which binds us all together, always.


This is Good News!   It reminds me that Davis and I want to thank you for your love which has encouraged and strengthened us for continued service.  I believe your love and trust has made me a better priest.


Lastly, parting is made so much easier knowing that God’s call to proclaim the Gospel has been answered by Father Conor!  Never forget to encourage and support him in his ministry among you, as you have Davis and me.


A friend of mine used to say: “When you think of me, pray for me, and I will do the same for you.”   Davis and I will often be thinking of you and praying for you.  Please pray for us, too.


May God grant all at St. Mary’s grace to continue to proclaim the Good News of God in Christ, and may the Lord “watch over your going out and your coming in, from this time forth for evermore.” (Psalm 121:8) 


Faithfully in Christ’s Love and Peace, 


Lucy Ann

Farewell Speech and End of Pastoral Relationship Ceremony
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