St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Wayne PA
104 Louella Ave, Wayne, PA 19087
Love of God...Love of Neighbor, Friend, and Stranger Alike
Christian Formation
What is the difference between Christian Formation and Sunday School?
What we know and understand as Sunday School is just one aspect of Christian Formation. Christian Formation is our continuing journey of being transformed by the Holy Spirit towards the likeness of Christ, experience and expressing love for God and others, as described in Romans 8:29 and 2 Corinthians 3:17-18. We can teach our children the facts of God’s love and God’s plan, but for it to make a difference in their lives they must experience it in their hearts.
Sunday Mornings, 9:00 am
Every Sunday from September through May, we have a 9:00am Education Hour for all ages. All are welcome to join us as we explore our faith and Jesus' teachings.
Sunday Adult Education (Navajo Room in the Parish Hall)
Topics are chosen and featured over several weeks to explore different perspectives. This class may be formatted as a discussion, a lecture/presentation, writing activities, special speakers, faith-based film discussions, and more! Topics range from examining sermons, scripture, and theological readings, to discussing current events, hymns and music, the parables, etc.
Sunday Children's Church School (Downstairs in the Parish Hall)
Lectionary-Based Cohort Church School
For Pre-School- 12th Grade With all grades together, children have the opportunity to learn from and teach one another.
Teachers instruct in teams, with break-out groups by age when the topic is thematically advanced.
Hands-On Activities and Play
Sunday Children's Chapel
Pre-School to 3rd Grade children are invited to Chapel where they can approach the Gospel message at their level. Children follow the cross out during the gradual hymn and rejoin their families for communion.
Sunday Nursery
Our nursery is open every Sunday from 8:45 a.m. until 11:45 a.m for youngest children or those with extra "wiggles."
Sunday is the day of rest but getting everyone ready and out of the house for Sunday morning church school can be anything but restful! So we invite you to Family Church Night on Wednesday evenings with the goal of making learning The Word easier for busy families. We’ll cover dinner so it’s one less thing for families to plan. With all ages learning from one another through hands-on activities, games, service, and shared experiences, we hope to make church night less of a marathon, and more of a community! Join us for all or any part of this exciting new children's ministry.
5:15pm-5:45pm Meal Together
5:45pm-6:30pm Activity
Monday Mornings, 11:00 am
Bible Study Working our way through the bible, currently working through the prophets (September. 2019). No previous experience necessary! And stay for an optional brown bag lunch (B.Y.O.) afterward at noon.
Tuesday Mornings, 7:45 am
Religious Studies Bible Study & Breakfast
Youth Group (Teens, 6th Grade +) Every other week on Sunday
Every Other Sunday Evening, 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm the youth of St. Mary's -- from sixth to twelfth grade -- gather in our parish hall for a combination of fellowship, education, and service.