St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Wayne PA
104 Louella Ave, Wayne, PA 19087

Love of God...Love of Neighbor, Friend, and Stranger Alike
Choral Evensong: An Evening of Thanksgiving and Remembrance.
Featuring the music of Flor Peeters, Charles Villiers Stanford and Ernest Bullock
Performed by the choir and soloists of St. Mary’s and Good Samaritan, conducted by Richard Zuch of Good Samaritan
accompanied by Dr. Gordon Turk, world-renowned organist.
All Saints Evensong, Sunday, November 5
4:00 p.m.
On Sunday, Nov. 5th our choir will be joined by the choir of Good Samaritan, Paoli, for the special choral liturgy of Evensong, here at St. Mary’s, at 4 pm. Two familiar canticles, “Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis” are at the core of this liturgy. The combined choirs will sing the music of the twentieth century Belgian composer, Flor Peeters. The music sets the words of the Magnificat in a way that is dramatic and direct, with clarity, warmth, and vibrant harmonies. The energetic and colorful accompaniment for this will be played by Dr. Turk from the gallery organ, and Richard Zuch of Good Samaritan will conduct the choirs in the transept. They will also sing two All Saints anthems from the English Cathedral tradition. Beati quorum via – (Blessed they who walk in the way of the undefiled) by Charles Villiers Stanford (a cappella) and “Give us wings of faith” by Ernest Bullock (accompanied by organ). These anthems present their texts in different choral styles, but both reflect the rich tradition of choral singing of the English cathedrals and the university chapels of Oxford and Cambridge.
Choral Evensong is one of the treasures of our Anglican/Episcopal worship tradition, and it is one to share with family and friends. So, please invite friends to attend with you and share the beauty and internal refreshment of this special liturgy