What we did:
Ran announcements in Radnor Patch
Posted a handmade sign advertising services. Sign was vertical, and hung on a trellis with zip ties
All parish mailing with a card showing service times
What we want to continue:
Radnor Patch is easy and free
Signage provided information
Cards were appreciated - some people liked the Christmas-Card format
What we want to improve for next time (Christmas and Easter)
Begin the process sooner (30 Days Out)
Coordinate who is doing what so we don't duplicate efforts
Procure a professional sign or two that can be attached to our permanent signs with bungee cords.
Standardize methods for sending out mailings to facilitate the process.
Mail Merge
Size of Mailings to use standard postage
Use up to date list to ensure all envelopes have addresses
Double Check Postage
Include a Christmas/Easter letter from the Rector