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Worship Services

      Sunday Holy Eucharist 

             â€‹7:45 am  & 10:00 am

      Weekdays Daily Office

​​             9:30 am & 5:00 pm (begins Sept 9)

      Thursday Healing Service  

                12:00 pm (begins Sept 12)


Livestream of all services available on: 

followed by Coffee Hour


Our bulletins guide you through our services, invitations for active ministries and weekly community announcements:


Our Mission: God is calling the people of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Wayne, Pennsylvania to follow Jesus’ teaching to love God with all our hearts, souls and minds; and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Therefore we love and embrace each other, friend and stranger alike in worship, service and prayer
as we seek to live in and share God’s Word.


                            – Adopted by the St. Mary’s Vestry, May 2015

Saint Mary's Episcopal Church
 in Wayne, PA

Love of God... Love of Neighbor, Friend, and Stranger Alike

Heads Up & Save the Date

​​Noah's Ark Thrift Shop RE-OPENING
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
10:00am - 1:00pm

Our Fall/Winter season begins Wednesday, September 4 and we look forward to seeing you Wednesdays and/or Saturdays from 10:00am - 1:00pm to shop, donate, and volunteer in our thrift shop, located in the basement of the church building. Follow the driveway path and signs to find the red door and a warm welcome!

Donations may be brought to the shop during business hours or placed in our donation cabinet under the covered connector between the Parish House and Church buildings.

We're always looking for customers and for volunteers! If you have questions or would like to get involved, please contact Susan Huck at or 484-612-2546.


Welcome Fr. Conor Alexander & Family


Sunday September 8 
Service at 10:00 am

Coffee Hour Celebration to follow

We very much look forward to introducing Fr. Conor, his wife Rev. Samantha, and their son Joshua to you in person in early September and invite all to his first service as celebrant on Sunday, September 8. Until then, please continue to remember them in your prayers.

Note: As the Alexander's begin their move into the Rectory, we ask that no one park in the Rectory driveway after August 14.

Fr. Conor will be taking appointments effective Monday, September 9 in his office for those parishioners who may want a more in depth conversation.


Liberti Church invites St. Marys
to join in their "Welcome Back Sunday" Celebration

Sunday, September 15, 2024 


Liberti Church has invited St. Mary’s to join them after our 10:00 am service on September 15 for their "Welcome Back Sunday" as they host and provide lunch. Together we will celebrate how our St. Mary’s campus reaches so many people spiritually. There will be a food truck outside for this event. Please note: In case of rain we will move to the Father Greene Room.



Following the Summer hiatus during which we enjoyed guest organists and special music from our soloists during worship, we're excited for the return of our full choir on September 15!



We'd love for you to join our ranks! Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings at 7:15pm beginning September 18 and Sundays at 9:00am to warm-up before the 10am liturgy.

Interested, love to sing, but not sure you're ready for the full commitment? Reach out to Dr. Turk about trying it out or joining in for special events.


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Fuel the Community:

Donate Breakfast Essentials to St Mary's Little Free Pantry  


St. Mary’s Church food pantry is dedicated to combating hunger and nurturing our community. Support us by donating nonperishable breakfast items like oatmeal, cereal, pancake mix, granola bars, canned fruit, and peanut butter. Please place your contributions in the Little Free Pantry basket in the narthex. Together, we make a brighter morning for all!




Saturday, November 23, 2024
10:00am - 2:00pm
...which means it's time to start planning and preparing!

Calling Our Amazing St. Mary's Cooks
As fruits and veggies harvest season arrives, please get out your favorite jam, jelly, and pickle etc. recipes and prepare treats to be sold at our Fall Food Festival. More details to come! Thank you to Jean Wetzel for this reminder.

Planning for the Festival:
Let’s make this year’s event even better than last year. If you have questions, or if you would like to get involved, please reach out to Jean Wetzel at or Linda Noll at

Weekly Activities

Father Greene Room.jpg

Sunday - Adult Formation


Sunday Mornings
9:00am in the Navajo Room


Old Testament Parables and the Parables of Jesus


Recently, we learned about the parable of the ewe lamb.

Nathan used it to great effect in showing David how he had offended the Lord. 

Are there other parables in the Old Testament? What is their purpose? Does Jesus use similar stories and themes in his ministry?

How do the New Testament parables differ from earlier ones?


As we begin a new season in September, we invite you to join the Adult Formation class at 9 AM on the following Sundays:

September 15th, 22nd, 29th and October 13th to study these lively illustrations of the will of God.

We meet in the Navajo Room for close reading and discussion. Everyone is welcome!


Monday Bible Study  

Monday morning Bible study meets on Zoom at 11 a.m. - 12 p.m.


Beginning September 9th, we will discuss Old Testament LESSER PROPHETS on Mondays at 11 AM on Zoom. To join at any time, please click on the link you will find on the church webpage under the heading: Weekly Activities, Monday.

As the church moves in new directions, this is an ideal time to commit yourself to closer acquaintance with the Bible. We offer a discussion class in which all can participate, or you can just drop in to listen.  Come when you can and always be assured of a warm welcome. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Erlis Wickersham.


Please consider joining us as we explore the Scriptures. 


11:00 am. Zoom meeting link HERE

Meeting ID: 832 4824 9414

Passcode: 938591

One tap mobile

+16465588656,,94462568155# US (New York)

+13017158592,,94462568155# US (Washington DC)


Wednesday - St. Mary's Book Club


At our next meeting at 2 PM on September 11th at Jean Wetzel's house, we will discuss selected poems of Emily Dickinson.

Each person is urged to bring her favorite poem. As a group, we will discuss the following titles, most of which were published in her lifetime: "Nobody Knows This Little Rose," "I Taste a Liquor Never Brewed," "Some Keep the Sabbath by Going to Church," "A Narrow Fellow in the Grass." "Hope is the Thing with Feathers, "I'm Nobody. Who are You?" and "Safe in Their Alabaster Chambers."


In October we will read The Song of Roland a French medieval epic.


Our November selection is The First Ladies by Marie Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murray (2019).


Finally, in December we will read Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea. (1952)


Everyone is invited to attend for discussion and delicious refreshments. 

If you are interested in the book questions from our recent discussion on
Bel Canto you may read them here


Please come to the book club! You don’t even have to read the book. The conversation is always lively, and we serve delicious refreshments.   If you have questions, please contact  Erlis Wickerhsam. 


Please check here for our current discussion questions 
Please click here for the 2024 Reading List



st marys historical exterior

Our Story:

St. Mary's has been on the corner of Lancaster and Louella Avenue for over a hundred and thirty years.  St. Mary’s and the village of Wayne grew up together.  If you like, you can find a historical account of that growth HERE, but please know, our focus is not on our past, but rather it is on the church of the 21st century.  


As an Episcopal Church, we love our liturgy.  We will pray and sing and learn together through liturgy that honors God and feeds our soul.   When you come visit, we will welcome you with open arms.  As we grow in our relationship, we will hold your hand and cry with you if you are sick or distressed, and we will rejoice with you as you celebrate life's milestones. We will challenge you to learn more about God and how God will reconcile the world back unto himself. And we will prepare you to go out into the world and proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ.


Answers to frequently asked questions about St. Mary's liturgy, customs and our facility.

Fellowship & Ministries
Contact us
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