What was done?
Mailing with pledge card and stewardship letter
Weekly speakers
Follow up phone calls from vestry members
Thank you notes from vestry members
In-gathering coffee hour reception as a final celebration
What went well that we should continue?
Exceeded goal by approximately $12k
Team collaborated well
Speakers were inspiring and on-message
Rector's letter was well received
Vestry assisted with first round of thank-you notes
Bulletin and eChimes messaging was on point
In-gathering was well attended
What can be improved upon in the future?
Send out pledge packets earlier - mid October
Finalize materials by end of September
Confirm 2025 Mailing list
Make sure pledge card is sized for easy mailing
Include return envelope to encourage response
PLan out bulletin and eChimes messaging in advance with unique messaging for October, November, and December, including speaker announcements
Involve vestry earlier in the campaign
Approach for speakers, conversations, thank-you notes, and assistance with in-gathering.
Create a 3 Person Committee to coordinate efforts - members may be non-vestry
Ensure speakers are available for requested dates
Secure their schedule by the end of September
Plan in-gathering by the end of October
Work with Church Office to get Realm updates more frequently
Names only, not amounts
Develop process to provide this information by the end of August
Next Steps
Discuss additional fundraising efforts for 2025
Create an action plan for 2026 Pledge Drive, due June 1
Attend Stewardship Workshop on 2/15 and 3/1 - regroup to apply learnings.